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The History Department has a number of Funds established to promote the Teacher/Scholar ideal among our faculty and to promote the intellectual development of our students majoring in history. Our department also sponsors numerous public lectures and symposiums designed to enrich the College, University, and wider community.

Your gifts can help us continue to enhance the intellectual climate of our campus and beyond. Funds can help sponsor visits by nationally and internationally renowned historians who impart their knowledge to our students and faculty. Your gifts can send students to academic conferences and symposiums where they can share their newly developed expertise with an audience of scholars beyond our campus. Your gifts can also bring alumni to campus to share their skills and life experiences with our students, helping them to prepare for their careers in the world beyond Wake Forest University.

Please consider designating your gift to one of the funds listed below. No matter the size, the support of our friends and alumni is important to us. Thank you for your endorsement of our program!

Note: There are many unallocated costs associated with the receipt and administration of gift funds. Accordingly, and in an effort to be fully transparent, donors should know that when funds from the gift are expended, 12 percent of this amount will be used by the university to cover administrative costs. For additional information regarding these Associated Program Costs (APC), please refer to this link under Financial Services.