
Michele Gillespie
Professor; Presidential Endowed Professor of Southern History

Barry Trachtenberg
Rubin Presidential Chair of Jewish History

James P. Barefield (1963-2004)
Wake Forest Professor Emeritus of History
BA, MA, Rice; PhD, Johns Hopkins
Richard C. Barnett (1961-1994)
Professor Emeritus of History
BA, Wake Forest University; MEd, PhD, UNC-Chapel Hill
Paul D. Escott (1988-2018)
Reynolds Professor Emeritus of History
BA, Harvard; MA, PhD, Duke
Michael L. Hughes (1984-2022)
Professor Emeritus of History
BA, Claremont McKenna College; MA, PhD, University of California (Berkeley)
Thomas E. Mullen (1957-2000)
Dean of the College Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of History
BA, Rollins; MA, PhD, Emory University
Anthony Parent (1989 – 2024)
Professor Emeritus of History
BA, Loyola Marymount University; MA, Ph.D. UCLA
Michael L. Sinclair (1968-2006)
Professor Emeritus of History
BA, Wake Forest University; AM, PhD, Stanford
Sarah L. Watts (1987-2011)
Professor Emerita of History
BA, Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts; MA, PhD, Oklahoma
Alan Williams (1974-2020)
Professor Emeritus of History
BA, Stanford University; PhD, Yale University