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The History Department is delighted to support travel to undergraduate conferences to present research projects and connect with scholars and the public outside of Wake Forest University. There are a number of exciting opportunities for presenting your research at conferences, including the following:

National Conference on Undergraduate Research, April 6-8, 2017. University of Memphis, Tennessee.
Deadline for Abstract Submission: December 2, 2016. Find out more information here.

Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) Posters on the Hill
This poster session, dedicated to undergraduate research across a range of disciplines, is held on Capitol Hill each spring with the goal of helping members of Congress understand the importance of undergraduate research by creating a venue in which Congress members can talk directly with the students whom these programs impact.
Deadline for the 2016 conference: November 2, 2016. Find out more information here.

Phi Alpha Theta Conferences
The Phi Alpha Theta presents special programs at the annual meetings of the American History Association, the Organization of American Historians, the Southern Historical Association, the Western History Association, the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association, the Missouri Valley Historical Conference, the Southwestern Social Sciences Association, and many state Historical associations. Phi Alpha Theta sponsors paper sessions at many of these professional conferences, enabling students to present their research and receive critical evaluation from faculty from a wide variety of institutions of higher learning. The Phi Alpha Theta Paper society also awards six prizes annually for outstanding essays written by members of the honor society. The deadline is in July each year. Read more about the competition here. For more information, contact the PAT Faculty Adviser, Professor Jake Ruddiman (  

American Historical Association Conference
Undergraduate students are able to attend the annual American Historical Association conference with a faculty mentor at a deeply discounted rate. Find out more information here.

Southern Historical Association Conference
Undergraduate students are welcome to present at or attend the Southern Historical Association Conference. The submission deadline is in early September each year. Find out more information here.

Western History Association Conference
Undergraduate students are welcome to present at or attend the Western History Association Conference. The submission deadline is in early September each year. Find out more information here.